Joe's Sticky Stuff
Joe's Sticky Stuff 3/4" 65' Roll
You can use Joe's Sticky Stuff™ for any of the uses below. I have personally used it for all of these situations on camera, and lots of others!
At the Office:
- Hang items for presentations in hotel conference rooms or clients offices without damage to walls or windows
- Get that poster to finally stay up on your cubical wall
- Change nameplates and signs without damaging wall coverings
At Home:
- Hang children's artwork without thumbtack holes
- Use as earthquake hold for artwork and shelf items
- Keep picture frames hanging straight and true without marring walls
- Decorate kids' rooms
- Keep rugs and carpets from slipping
- Hang holiday artwork or decorations anywhere in the house including windows
On the Job Site:
- Use Joe's Sticky Stuff™ to preset trim and molding while grabbing tools
- Mount items (such as drapery or mini-blinds) temporarily for visual approval
- Protect floors with cardboard or sheet paper and not have it shift and slide under your feet
- Apply plastic sheeting to job sites to contain dust and debris
- Place small screws or parts into Joe's Sticky Stuff™ until you are ready to use them
Joe's Sticky Stuff™ found its start in front of the cameras of Hollywood and around the world. I should know, I'm Joe and I put it there. But you never saw it.
On a Hollywood location set, if you need to hang a sign on a wall, you put it there temporarily. The problem is you may not own that wall, and when you leave, the wall must look like it did when you arrived.
In the past, people have used foam tape, blue tack and an automotive window ribbon called butyl. Butyl is a tar-based adhesive that is incredibly sticky but leaves horrible black stains on the walls, windows, floors and worst of all, your hands and fingers.